What is the Alaska Academic Decathlon?
- FREE curriculum to new teams
- Can be offered as a class or an after-school activity
- Creates a micro-culture within the larger school environment where students can thrive
- Improves student achievement and builds confidence
- Rigorous and FUN scholastic activity that explores ten subjects based on a yearly theme
- Online State Scrimmage in January, four-day State Competition on UAA Campus in February - many schools hold regional events.

"The confidence students gain through their participation in Academic Decathlon is immeasurable. The thematic connections among the subject areas combined with public speaking and interviewing gives our rural students a wider world-view and a greater confidence that I have not seen replicated in any other program to date."
"The Academic Decathlon not only provides an opportunity to delve deeper into and improve in academic areas but also offers an opportunity to experience and improve the soft skills necessary to work independently. Students learn to set goals and develop tactics to reach them; they learn strategies to make them better public speakers and impressive interviewees; and they become a part of a group that gives them a sense of belonging that bolsters confidence and perseverance."
"The Academic Decathlon program aids in fostering critical thinking, cooperation, and teamwork in our young adults, giving them the confidence and skills they need to transition into adulthood. I have seen transforming growth in our students in leadership skills, personal confidence, and personal hope for their own futures."
"Students who live in small towns have few opportunities to see the world. The Academic Decathlon has been a way in which my students can expand the view of what it means to be not only a high school student, but a member of both a local and global society. The experiences, the learning, and scholarships that students can attain with this program are amazing. Without this program, many of my students would never have moved out of the shadows and learned how to take on new adventures - both academically and socially."